Fostering Saves Lives
Where possible, our animals are placed in ‘foster homes’ whilst they wait to be re-homed.
We also sometimes need emergency fosters if an animal has to be moved at short notice.
Our foster families are people who are prepared to look after them in their own home for as long as it takes us to find permanent and loving homes. This could be a matter of days, weeks or sometimes even a few months, but it gives us a chance to assess the needs of the particular dog e.g. can he/she live with another dog, older children, cats, etc.
We will always place a dog, or cat, into a home that is suitable for both the animal and the family.
These wonderful foster homes give the animal love, time, training and understanding.
We are always in need of such wonderful people both in Spain and the UK. As with adoption, we carry out home checks for new foster homes, and we offer support and advice throughout
Fostering Requirements
The requirements necessary for ‘fostering’ are given below
Some experience of taking care of a dog is needed.
Someone at home most of the day as dogs may be insecure if they have lost their homes.
Have no very young children who may not understand that insecure dogs need their own space and time to adapt.
Most of all you need a love of dogs and patience with their behaviour when it isn’t quite up to scratch. They occasionally need help with house training and learning not to chew etc!
Before we take a dog into our care, he/she is assessed and we do not take in fighters or biters.